Saturday, January 21, 2023

New stuff Africa and Alabama

Added some pics and videos of Africa and Alabama.  

Also added a time link in Africa so if you click on it it should tell you what time is in real life.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

new section "On This Day"

 So this section deals with things "On This Day" examples like my favorite actors, or events.  Plus a feature photo in my site.  

I made this calendar so looking ways to improve it as it in in the development stages. lol

Thanks ToolManTim  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

United Kingdom

 So I have added United Kingdom to the list of foreign countries to the list.  I like watching the traffic on Abbey Road in London. 


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Auto tags upgrades

So I finished making changes to the "auto tags" section. Wow what a job.  The big change was made the single photos wider to cover the whole page.  Plus added about 25 more tags.... lol 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Vermont and Thailand are online

 So last night I added some links in Vermont.  Along with I put Thailand online by creating web pages for that county. 


Florida updates

So just finished up updating the Florida web cameras page.  Put in copywrite credits. Checked all web links and removed broken ones.  

did not realize that I had so many links of interest. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

new sites Spain and Netherlands

Today Jan. 10, 2023 I added Spain and Netherland pages to the site.  I also included some stunning photos from Spain.  Along with windmills and a bird feeder from Netherlands.  


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Race Day

Went to the Citrus County Speedway for the school bus race.  Video and pics are on Facebook and Youtube.    

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Czech Republic

 Well it is Friday on only did a little bit work on my website.... taking down Christmas lights. 

But added Czech Republic a new foreign page. 

Friday, January 6, 2023

Finish works

Well finally finished all the 50 plus USA states web pages.  Entered all the flags, state seals, quarters and maps.  Doubled check all my work.  Glad I did missed quite a few links and errors.  

Now to search around to  find working web cameras and expand into the foreign countries section.  

Got a new ideal called the seatbelt section in which people will send me pcs of themselves wearing seatbelts. 

been a while since I made a log here. Started the year off with a cold and been a week trying to get over it... 

New works

  So I've been working on the superheroes section.  A rather large section and never ending.  I resize the photos of art and put "s...